Study Room Policy
The Robey Memorial Library Board of Trustees, as an additional service to the community makes the study rooms and facilities available at no charge for use by small groups and individuals. The Board invites any group of citizens or individual, whose purpose is not illegal and whose conduct is not objectionable, to meet in the library study rooms, subject to the following conditions:
- A time limit of two hours with the option to “renew” for an additional hour applies to all individuals and groups.
- Staff will assign the study room based on need and availability.
- The rooms are to be left in its original condition. The library reserves the right to assess a cleaning or labor charge if necessary.
- The library has the right to limit the number of times an individual or organization may reserve the rooms.
- Use of materials on walls, or decorations, is prohibited without specific approval of the library director.
- No group of a commercial nature or any group conducting same may use the facilities. The exception to this rule is book signings and sales.
- The library staff is authorized to deny permission to use the library study rooms to any group or individual that is disorderly in any way, or that violates these regulations.
Adopted February, 2014
Revised September, 2017
Reviewed November, 2020
Reviewed December, 2023