September 20, 2023
Robey Memorial Library will join over a thousand libraries around the world during International Games Month as they transform their libraries with play. Like many other libraries across the country and around the world, RML will offer special gaming programs and events suitable for the whole family.
At RML , we are celebrating on Saturday, November 11 from 10am to 2pm with a Table Game Day event. Join us to learn and play family-friendly table games. Featured game will be Azul—a strategy and puzzle game of drafting tiles to create a colorful wall and earn points! All ages and skill levels are welcome. Players are welcome to bring their own snacks.
International Games Month is an international initiative supported by the American Library Association, the Australian Library and Information Association, Nordic Game Day, L’Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, and the Public and Mobile Library Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. For more information on International Games Month please visit the Games in Libraries blog http://games.ala.org.
For more information on the events at Robey Memorial Library, please contact us at (563) 568-4424 or robeymemorial@waukon.lib.ia.us.