August 26, 2024

It is with pride that we commemorate a significant milestone in the history of Robey Memorial Library — the 10-year anniversary of our Grand Re-Opening! A decade ago, through the dedication and generosity of our Board of Trustees; Building Committee; Library Foundation Board and community, we embarked on a remarkable journey to expand and renovate our beloved library, transforming it into the vibrant hub it is today.

The story of our Grand Re-Opening is one of community spirit and shared vision. It began with a bold capital campaign aimed at raising funds to modernize our facilities and enhance our services. Thanks to the unwavering support of patrons, donors, local businesses, and civic organizations, we not only met but exceeded our fundraising goals. Together, we raised $1,586,886, a testament to the passion and commitment of everyone involved.

With these funds, we embarked on an ambitious renovation project that touched every corner of our library. We expanded our space to accommodate new collections, state-of-the-art technology, and versatile community rooms. The renovations also prioritized accessibility, ensuring that Robey Memorial Library remains a welcoming place for all members of our community, regardless of their needs.

Since reopening our doors a decade ago, Robey Memorial Library has flourished. We've seen a significant increase in visitors of all ages, from toddlers attending storytime to adults participating in lifelong learning programs. Our expanded facilities have allowed us to host more events and activities, fostering a sense of connection and enrichment among our patrons.

Moreover, our role as a community anchor has only strengthened over the years. Beyond books and resources, Robey Memorial Library has become a place where ideas are exchanged, friendships are formed, and lifelong passions are ignited. We are proud to be a center for learning, creativity, and discovery in Allamakee County.

As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed to the success of our Grand Re-Opening and continue to support us today. Your dedication has been the driving force behind our growth and impact. Together, we look forward to the next decade and beyond, continuing to enrich lives and strengthen our community through the power of knowledge and connection.

Here's to ten years of growth, achievement, and community at Robey Memorial Library. Thank you for being part of our story!

Stop in this month to:

  • share what you love about RML!
  • see how far we've come through photos & slideshows!